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Welcome to the Atelier des Mimes Berlin!
The Atelier des Mimes was founded in September 2013 by Oliver Pollak and is led by him ever since. Since then there had been 4 Ateliers, ranging from 8 to 16 weeks of length at 16 h/week. Including participants in open classes and workshops the Atelier has attracted more than 80 students from about 10 different countries.
The next Atelier - No. 5: "persévérer" - will run in autumn 2015. infos -> bla
Atelier No. 2 (spring 2014) and No. 4 (spring 2015) have led to a stage production each: "Bar jeder Hoffnung" & "Clan Destin".
The aim of this Atelier is the introduction into the fabulous world of corporeal mime (also known as Etienne-Decroux-Technique), which can serve as an autonomous art from as well as a very in-depth basic training for other performing arts.
Besides the training in this very specific and fascinating movement technique, a lot of focus is given to the implementation in improvisation, composition and play.
This Atelier is dedicated to performers with professional aspirations and zestfulness and passion for a physical and profoundly meaningful theatre. The aim is a transformation of the craftsman on stage towards presence, precision, playfulness, impulsivity and virtuosity in shape and rhythm.
The Atelier des Mimes Berlin is cooperation partner with the mime art festivals in Prag & Policka / Czech Republic and Warsaw / Poland as well as the franco-german mime exchange "plateform-plattform". This Atelier receives active support by the Mimecentrum Berlin  is cooperating with "die Etage", Berlin school for the performing arts and feels itself related to the schools dedicated to coporeal mime in the USA, Barcelona, Paris and Cologne.
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